Charting Hitters
Hitting Zone Chart
In the hitting approach instruction page, there is a section on getting a good pitch to hit and developing an approach at the plate depending on the count. The hitting zone chart can be used to graphically list out that approach for each player. You can use the Plate Discipline Tee Drill to help define the hitting zone for each player and the Plate Discipline BP along with game charting to help further define the hitting zone.
Hitting Zone - Example
Hitting Zone Template
Standard Charts
The standard pitching and hitting charts are easy to enter data into and contain less information. These are set up for simplicity and ease of use.
The hitting chart focuses on pitch location for each pitch in the at-bat. If you are charting from the dugout, the catcher can be a good indicator of the pitch location. See where he sets up before the pitch and then see where he catches it. This will give you a good indication of the location in or out. The height will be easy to determine from the dugout. Some coaches may want to track what type of pitch. Since this can be difficult to do, I would suggest just tracking whether the pitch was hard (fastball, slider) or off-speed (curveball, changeup).
Compact Charts
There is a compact version of the pitching and hitting chart. This will allow you to save paper, but will be more difficult to enter information into. Also, there is a lot of information that can be collected on the compact charts. Use only the information that you feel is relevant. The pitching chart will be mirror the score book in that each opposing hitter will be charted in order. The hitting chart will not mirror the score book in that you want to keep a separate chart for each hitter. Each chart allows you to track pitch type, location, and result. The pitching chart will also allow you to keep a running pitch count. View the charting example page below to see a sample of how the charts are used.
Use the links below or in the navigation area to open a new window and print the chart that is set up to either fit in a clipboard or in a binder. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about the worksheets, please e-mail
Standard Charts
Hitting Chart - Example
Hitting Chart for Binder or Clipboard
Compact Charts
Compact Chart - Example
Hitting Chart for Binder
Hitting Chart for Clipboard
Hitting Zone Chart
Hitting Zone - Example
Hitting Zone Template
Standard Charts
Hitting Chart - Example
Hitting Chart for Binder or Clipboard
Compact Charts
Compact Chart - Example
Hitting Chart for Binder
Hitting Chart for Clipboard
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Just wanted to say Thank you for the great website. Great information for this new coach. It sounds like baseball gave a lot to your life, so thanks for giving back to baseball.
- Ray K.