Free Baseball Coaching Manual

Coaching Tee Ball and Coach Pitch

Making it Fun for You and the Kids

Description: This manual attempts to present a quick overview of coaching the tee ball and coach pitch levels, with the overriding goal that the experience not only be positive for your players, but for yourself as well. If you are coaching at this level, even if you have coached it before, I believe this manual will provide you with some solid information on preparing yourself to have a great season. It's a free 86 page manual provided by QCBaseball and I hope you not only download it, but let your league know that it's available to them as well. I'd love to see this manual provided to all tee ball and coach pitch coaches and I hope you'll help me accomplish this by letting your league and other coaches know about it.

Download Tee Ball/Coach Pitch Manual


  1. Introduction
  2. Should I Coach?
  3. What Personal Characteristics or Experience do I need to be a Successful Coach?
  4. Before the First Practice
  5. Parent Meeting
  6. Equipment
  7. What Should I Teach?
  8. First Practice
  9. Communication
  10. Expectations
  11. Discipline
  12. Practices
  13. Home Activities
  14. Game Time
  15. Parents
  16. Learning the Game
  17. Competition
  18. Having Fun as the Coach
  19. Things to Avoid
  20. Self-Evaluate

Appendix A – Strategies for the Reluctant Volunteer
Appendix B – Sample Parent Letter
Appendix C – Practice Plan Template

Download Tee Ball/Coach Pitch Manual

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I'm a Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth Coach and Vice President of our local league. I found your site one day quite by accident and identified with your philosphy and "words of wisdom" throughout your site almost immediately. Bottom-line, you did an outstanding job formatting your thoughts and establishing a very very helpful site for youth baseball coaching and administration.

- Lewis P.