Defensive Situations
Cutoffs - Runner On Second
Single To Left Field
On a single to left field the third baseman will be the cutoff to home. The shortstop will cover third base. The pitcher will backup home. The catcher will make the call if a cut is needed and to what base. The center fielder should start toward left and once the ball has been fielded cleanly, he should go to back up second in case a throw is made there either from the cutoff or the catcher.
Cutoffs - Runner On Second
Single To Center or Right Field
On a single to center or right field the first baseman will be the cutoff to home. The shortstop will cover second base. The second baseman will cover first. The pitcher will backup home. The catcher will make the call if a cut is needed and to what base. The diagram below shows both options, with the only difference being the position of the first baseman as the cutoff.
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Just wanted to say Thank you for the great website. Great information for this new coach. It sounds like baseball gave a lot to your life, so thanks for giving back to baseball.
- Ray K.