Baseball Drills: Team Baseball Drills : Team Signal Scrimmage
Drill: Team Signal Scrimmage
Teach players to look for signals on each pitch. Give team an opportunity to execute and defense a number of plays during a game type situation.
Game Equipment
Split your team into 2 squads. One will play offense, one defense, just like a regular game. The defensive team doesn't need a full outfield. You may want to have a coach pitch to move things along.
Similar to a real game, except the 3rd base coach will continually put the game in motion.
- Each half inning starts with a runner on 1st.
- Coach will signal a play each pitch. Bunt, steal, hit & run, etc.
- Outs are recorded, but there will always be at least 1 runner on base at all times.
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A big fan,
- Stephen B.